Betonrossi Plants

Piacenza Plant

Via Caorsana, 4/A
Impianto Betonrossi sede di Piacenza

A modern plant with two loading points, one of which with a fully automated premixer, capable of handling up to 10 different raw materials.. The plant is connected to the main offices and to external equipment, with automatic control of incoming materials and large technological laboratories carrying out the associated research work.

The premixer section satisfies the latest production needs that, responding to the increasing and more exacting demands of the market, are moving more and more towards high performance and special concretes. The plant is equipped to produce lightweight concretes, with a fibre content, with pozzolan admixtures and additives, as well as shrinkage compensated and/or coloured concretes for paving, repairs, etc.

The quality of the final product is further guaranteed by the advanced fully automated batching/dosing plant, equipped with fibre-optics and touch-screen terminals connected in a network to enable total control in real time from the central office. A model that is unique to the sector including in aspects relating to environmental protection and the architectural and design quality of the plant itself. 

The importance given to ecological aspects has also resulted in the installation of  two Ecobeton plants and a washwater recycling plant capable of collecting and treating rainwater runoff.

As far as the aesthetic and formal qualities and formal of the new facilities are concerned, it should be pointed out that unlike that which normally happens within the sector, the plant was  designed with great care and attention to produce brilliant results.

A new production model that is only part of a much wider programme aimed at obtaining maximum quality at all levels of industrial activity. The overall plan has other important attributes regarding commercial development (new products and services), administrative development (management integration and control), technological development (flexibility, new technologies, certification) and human resource management (training and motivation), in that the new competitive model should today be seen as a whole, i.e. in its entirety.